What Leverage Does Funded Kings Offer?

At Funded Kings, we offer extremely competitive leverage across our Funded Account Challenges, in comparison to other prop firms. Below is an overview of the Leverage we have available for different assets:


  • 1:100 – Forex & Crypto
  • 1:200 – Metals, Indices & Energies


What is Trading with Leverage?


Leverage allows traders to open a trading position that uses a small amount of their Trading Capital, to take on a much larger position in the market. This is done by borrowing money to invest, increasing your returns, and potentially earning more profit that would not have been possible without using Leverage.


An example of Trading with Leverage would be:


If a trader had $5,000, they could leverage their Trading Position by x200 times (or even more). If you had a Trading Position which was Leveraged at 200:1, you would be opening yourself to manage a position of $1,000,000 in the Market.

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